The Hidden Legacy of the Witch Hunts: Unraveling the Witch Wound and its Impact on Modern Women

Have you ever had once of those moments, when everything starts clicking together? Disparate threads suddenly connect and the world collapses and reforms in a new way? Well, that's what it's been like for me over the last few months.

A few months ago I took a deep-dive into the Witch Hunts, and since then, I've been grappling with how to share my insights on the impact this dark period in history, continues to have on us today. The deep-rooted trauma of the Witch Wound continues to play out in our modern day lives in more ways that we might initially think.

I'm surrounded by such incredible, powerhouse women both in my corporate career and my business, and yet all of them grapple in some way with imposter syndrome, internalised shame, feelings of not being good enough or doing enough.

And then I look around at some of the executives in my corporate field and I think "shit, if these women had the confidence of this middle-aged,  white, mediocre man, she'd fucking rule the world."

So why is it that so many successful, smart, strong women are fuelled by self-doubt, guilt, anxiety and shame?

It's a complex question with a multitude of intersectional answers including the impacts of colonialism, the patriarchy, and capitalism. All of these have contributed to, and continue to fuel, the Witch Wound within our collective psyche as women. This ancestral scar, passed down through generations, has left an indelible mark, shaping our perceptions, choices, and ultimately, our path towards fulfillment.

The Witch Wound manifests in a multitude of ways, often leading us to play small, dim our light, and suppress our authentic selves. It fuels self-doubt, encourages us to defer to others, and erodes our ability to establish healthy boundaries.

In a world that celebrates self-care and personal growth, it's paradoxical that women continue to feel disconnected from themselves and others.  Part of the reason for this I think is a denial of any aspect of our shadow selves. So many women I know refuse to admit or embraces feelings such as jealousy, vulnerability, anger, desire, pleasure or even their own magic.

As society transformed from feudalism to capitalism, the pervasive social discourse veered away from a collective tapestry of shared experiences and beliefs, embracing instead a focus on individualization and autonomy. This shift propelled women out of communal spaces, confining them to the domestic sphere, while simultaneously elevating men to positions of primary breadwinners and power-holders.

To maintain this, obedience was demanded, and the dark wild feminine was shamed, demonised, hunted and persecuted. If you've ever heard or read a passage from the Malleus Maleficarum, you will clearly see why so many of us are completely disconnected from our bodies - the seat of our intuition, power and magic.

The trauma of centuries worth of prosecution instilled feelings of shame, disempowerment, and a deep-seated fear of our own power that continues to play out today. And let's be real, the Witch Hunts have never stopped. They've just taken a different shape, fuelled by the powerful media that can demonise and destroy women who dare step out of line into their power. You just have to look at how Hillary Clinton and Julia Gillard were treated to see that the witch trials never stopped, they just changed shape.

In an era where any deviation from societal norms was met with severe consequences, women were silenced and suppressed. From torture devices such as the Scold's Bridle to mass institutionalisation of women who refused to conform to social expectations up until the late 1960s, the trauma experienced by the collective persecution of women continues to impact us today.

If you're wondering whether the Witch Wound is affecting your life, here are some common signs to look out for:

A deep-seated fear of being seen or heard

You struggle to voice your opinions in meetings. The idea of recording a reel or filming yourself for social media for your business makes you break out in sweat. You are paralysed by the fear of judgement and you're terrified of sharing your opinions less you be persecuted.

Shame surrounding your power or abilities

You can’t trust your own intuition, and insights, deferring to others. You might refuse to explore your psychic and intuitive abilities, calling them non-sense. You are overly logical and refuse to accept anything without evidence, even if your gut instinct is telling you something.

Difficulty setting boundaries or expressing your needs

You feel guilty about setting a boundary with others, or expressing your needs. You put other people’s needs before your own wellbeing and are guilted into staying back late at work, or pulling the bulk of the emotional load at home.

A reluctance to trust other women

You may have said things like "I’m not like other girls" and judge other women who are shining in their power. You may feel reluctant to trust other women, and participate in gossip to bring others own. You may feel jealous, or experience jealousy from other women.

A sense of disconnection from your body

You feel completely numb from the neck down. You might struggle to orgasm or experience pleasure. You may have a sense of shame around your body, and can partake in self-destructive behaviours such as over-eating, over-exercising and under-eating to look a certain way.

Did you resonate with any of these? You might be wondering, “so how do we overcome this? How do we reclaim our power, reclaim our desires, stop playing small and fully step into the life we’ve always wanted?”

It starts by reconnecting with understanding and owning the impact of the Witch Wound and reconnecting with the power of the Dark Wild Feminine.

So, if you resonate with any of these, or would like to explore the shadows some more, I’m crafting an exciting journey to understand the Witch Wound and how it manifests through an exploration of archetypes, energy healing, and a deep dive into your own unique power.


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Unveiling the Dark Wild Feminine: My Word for 2024


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