Not everyone is an entrepreneur

And frankly, not everyone needs to be or wants to be - and we should start celebrating that.

We’re constantly being bombarded with messaging that really elevates the entrepreneur as ‘the thing’ that we should all be striving to become.

There’s a subtext that says, if we’re not running our own business, or creating our own brand that means we’re not living out our true purpose. The term ‘entrepreneur’ is the buzz word that’s bandied around, written in bold on CVs and plastered over our social media feeds.

Here’s the thing: not everyone is an entrepreneur, and not everyone needs to be in order to create value and impact.

The discourse around the corporate sector can be quite flippant. Entrepreneurs who’ve left the sector might talk about their days working a ‘desk job’ and ‘9-to-5’ in a way that paints the world in shades of pewter grey and beige.

It becomes the poster child for hustle-culture, sad-desk lunches, boredom and purposelessness. It’s an easy scapegoat for dissatisfaction. The epitome for all that’s wrong in the world. I mean, who would want to remain in that world?

As someone who still works in the corporate sector, I admit, the patriarchal paradigm on which it’s built is beyond problematic.

Change however, can only happen at the rate we need it to if it’s happening from the inside and the outside.

As much as purpose-driven entrepreneurs are part of the solution in creating a more just, equitable and sustainable world, so are transformational embodied leaders within the corporate, NGO and government sectors.

We need intrapreneurs, visionaries, creatives and activists to take leadership roles and step into positions of influence. We need them at the highest level of our governments, our judiciary, our boardrooms and even our classrooms.

Without this, we are not going to see the transformative change the world needs in order to curb the rapid biodiversity loss, climate change rise and pollution that is threatening our very existence.

It’s time that we celebrate the intrapreneurs, those who are working to change the system from the inside out.


Inspired to create change and not sure where to start?

You can book your free value call with me now. In this 30 minute session, I’ll help you get clear on your values so that you can start taking the steps you need to create the impact you want.



5 signs that you’re an intrapreneur


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