3 Nervous System Regulating Techniques to Kick Stress to the Curb

If you're reading this, chances are you're a busy Boss-Queen who's trying to juggle work, family, friends, and everything in between. Let's be real, life can feel like a three-ring circus sometimes! With so many demands on your time and energy, it's no wonder you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

But what if I told you there was a way to manage that stress and feel more grounded and centered in the midst of the chaos? Enter somatic techniques – practices that involve the body in regulating the nervous system and releasing physical and emotional tension.

Unlike traditional stress management techniques that focus on changing your thoughts or behaviors, somatic techniques focus on using the body's own innate ability to heal and regulate itself. By incorporating practices like orienting, grounding, and pendulation into your daily routine, you can develop greater resilience to stress and better handle the demands of your life.

But first thing, first:

what are somatic techniques?

If you’ve been following me for awhile you’ll have heard me talk about somatic techniques. These are exercises that use the body to regulate the nervous system and release physical and emotional tension. It's a holistic approach that recognises the connection between the body and the mind.

Some examples of somatic techniques include movement, touch, breathing exercises, visualization, and mindful awareness of body sensations. These practices can help you become more aware of the sensations in your body, including tension and stress, and develop the ability to release that tension and stress through physical and mental exercises.

Somatic techniques can be especially helpful for people who experience chronic stress or trauma. By regulating the autonomic nervous system, which controls the body's stress response, these practices can reduce the frequency and intensity of the fight-flight-freeze response.

What are some examples that you can use right now? Here are 3 somatic techniques to help you kick stress to the kerb:


Let's start with orienting. This technique involves bringing your awareness to your surroundings and using your senses to gather information about the environment. You can do this by noticing the colours, sounds, smells, and textures around you. This helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you to feel more calm and present.

To practice orienting, take a few moments to focus on your surroundings. Notice the colours of the objects in the room, the sounds you can hear, the smells in the air, and the textures of the surfaces around you. You might notice things that you hadn't seen before, like the way the light reflects off a surface, or the sound of a bird chirping outside. This can help you to feel more grounded and connected to the present moment.


Next up is pendulation. This technique involves moving your attention back and forth between areas of tension and areas of ease in your body. When we experience stress, our bodies often hold onto that tension, which can create a cycle of chronic stress and tension. Pendulation helps to release that tension and bring your body back into balance.

To practice pendulation, start by bringing your awareness to any areas of tension in your body. You might notice a tightness in your shoulders, or a knot in your stomach. As you breathe in, imagine sending your breath to that area of tension. As you breathe out, release the tension and let it go. Then, shift your attention to an area of ease in your body, like your feet on the ground or the palms of your hands. Notice how it feels to focus on that area of ease. Continue to move your attention back and forth between areas of tension and areas of ease, allowing yourself to release tension with each breath.


Last but not least, let's talk about grounding. This technique involves bringing your awareness to your body and the sensations you're experiencing in the present moment. When we're stressed, we tend to get caught up in our thoughts and lose touch with our bodies. Grounding helps us to reconnect with our bodies and bring ourselves back into the present moment.

To practice grounding, start by taking a deep breath and bringing your attention to your body. Notice the sensation of your feet on the ground, the weight of your body in the chair, and the feeling of the air on your skin. Take a few deep breaths and imagine sending your breath down into your feet and into the ground. This can help you to feel more grounded and centered.

Why I’m such an advocate for somatic techniques and use this with my clients

As a coach, I have seen firsthand the power of incorporating somatic techniques into daily routines, both in my personal journey and in that of my clients. These exercises can help you develop greater resilience to stress and better handle the demands of life. It's essential to recognise that stress resides in the body, not just the mind, and by bringing awareness to the body, we can release tension and find balance and ease.

For years, I focused on mindset work such as affirmations, CBT, and journaling practices, but it wasn't until I started incorporating somatic techniques into my daily routine that I saw a significant shift in my ability to stay present and grounded during stressful situations. By regulating my nervous system, I could make better decisions, aligned with my goals, and move towards them with greater speed and ease.

These techniques are great when combined with other traditional mental health practices such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga. Every tool may not be appropriate or work every time, so it's essential to find what works best for you.

Focusing on the body and its sensations creates a greater sense of safety and control, improving your ability to regulate your nervous system in response to stressors. When you take the time to regulate your nervous system and reduce stress, you improve your overall health and wellbeing, leading to greater success and fulfillment in your personal and professional life.

And, if you're struggling to stay on track, know that I am here for you. My 12-week, 1:1 coaching program, The Nurtured Nervous System, is designed to help women like you regulate you nervous system, develop healthy habits, and create the life you desire. Learn more about the program and how it can benefit you here.


Ready to regulate your nervous system?

The Nurtured Nervous System is a 12-week, 1:1 coaching program designed to help women regulate their nervous system, develop healthy habits, and create the life they truly desire.



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